
Add additional services to your current stack of offerings without making a large upfront investment. Put your new equipment to work and let it Pay For Itself!
Maximizing your capital capacity and minimize impact to cash flow! Use financing to add equipment and services without tying up your bank credit lines of free cash flow!
Take the deduction that is right for your business. Whether you take a one-time deduction using Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation or spread the costs out over time. Our Equipment Finance Agreements put the choice in your hands. Consult your tax advisor for details.
Fixed monthly payments over a fixed term make equipment acquisition easier to plan and execute. No large outlays of capital and no need to fo to the bank.
You Have Options!
McGee Company wants to make sure to find the right solution for your needs. We have partnered with Great America Financial Services as our primary provider for equipment needs. You can start with a one our our equipment specialists here or, if you are ready you check out payment options with our Budgeting Tool.
See what a financing option would look like today!