McGee Company Road Service Truck Packages
From over the road Truck to Giant OTR Trucks and equipment McGee Company offers a comprehensive line of equipment for mobile service trucks.
From our Basic STP14 service package to our MSTP14 Master package we can get you down the road, taking care of your customers and making money.
We feature compressors from Champion and Quincy with dependable Honda and Kohler engines, air tools from Ingersoll-Rand and Chicago Pneumatic, and durable socket sets from Ascot.
For Off The Road (OTR) service we can tailor a complete package including high capacity jacks up to 150 tons, jack pads and safety cribbing, bead breaker sets and hydraulic pumps. Call our OTR specialist today for a quote on a custom package to fit your specific needs for your road service truck.
McGee Company is your local OTR expert in the field and in the office. We know what your job demands and that is the tools that work as hard as you do! With this comprehensive package, you can face down any challenge. Call today for a quote, training, or a custom set up for your specialized needs.
Want to know what is in our truck service packages? Check out our truck package flyer:Large and Small OTR Truck packages, Truck Service products application chart copy-compressed chart, Cribbing, and our McGee OTR Inflation Deinflation kit.